Here are some

Tips to become an Eloquent Speaker

to help make your speech an ideal one:

  1. Firstly, plan well for your speech, to plan your speech well, Ask for 5 W(s) and 1 H: WHO WHAT WHEN WHY WHERE And HOW These six questions related to speech will be the best to plan your speech well.
  2. Prepare and practice enough before delivering it in initial phase. 3. Deliver it in expressive voice 4. Appropriate Sense of humor to some extent in speech will be good one. 5. Speech should be simple, sensible and informative. 6. Have some facial expression while delivering it. 7. Take care of body language ( postures and gestures) 8. Be energetic during the speech 9. Maintain the eye contact to everyone. 10. Take pauses/breaks during the speech. 11. Be well dressed. 12. Be on time 13. Avoid lying in your speech. 14. Don’t rely on random resources for data. Be confident about the data you cite. 15.  At last deliver the speech with confidence. Well, Get ready, Keep in mind this 15 simple points and You are great to go!

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