Safe online gaming is one reason why. It is becoming easier and safer to start playing games online, though common cyber threats remain. What should you keep to yourself when interacting with others? When do you know that a mod is safe to download? What should you do once you download a game? Answer these questions, and you can stay safe while playing all of your favorite online games. Here are five tips you can follow today. It is okay to say what your first name is and which country you come from. Many people include their name in their account name, and most games let you see where other players come from. Beyond that, you should not provide any personal information about yourself. Others can use small things like your age or phone number against you. Administrators will never ask for your personal details, so don’t provide them. There is no reason ever to give anyone your password. Most games like chess, card games and online blackjack prohibit players from sharing their passwords with someone else. If you have a friend or sibling who wants to play your game, help them create their own account. Do not tell anyone what email you use to log into your account. It seems innocuous, but they can send illicit materials to your address. Some games require updates, so they run smoothly. It is OK to download updates and mods from official developers. Be wary of anything you download. Some mods are helpful or produce a fun component to the game. Others are malware that can steal your information. Ask the administrator of your game what they think of the mod. If both sources vouch for it, you can download it. Privacy settings vary from game to game. For example, they may limit you to players from your specific country or age group. Others are parental controls, limiting when minors can access their games. Whatever they are, enable them as soon as you download your game. Every game has functions where you can report or block harassing players. If you see someone bullying someone else, report them to administrators. Hit the mute button so you can’t hear what other players are saying. You may also want to remove the comment section on your screen. Also read: How Gaming Was Revolutionized By Pac-Man

Essentials of Safe Online Gaming 

Safe online gaming is attainable. Do not give out personal details, especially your contact information. No one claiming to be a game administrator is genuine unless they are on a game’s staffing page. Do your research before downloading a mod or updating. Put your game privacy settings on, and try to avoid players who are older than yourself. Block and mute anyone you find annoying or harassing. Stay safe, and you can become great at gaming. Follow our coverage for more gaming guides.

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