In addition to this, you also have to consider more things and types of equipment such as coupler, blade length, blade plug, speaker, battery and effects while crafting custom lightsabers.

1. Hilts

The hilt is the part of lightsaber that help to held lightsaber in hand while swinging a lightsaber at your opponents or cosplaying in mid air as your favorite jedi or sith warriors. The perfect choice of the hilt is meanly dependent on your personal choice for style as well as practical implementation for personal user comfort. The length and the thickness of the hilt are also most important as it should grip smoothly in your hand.

2. Blade

The blade is the most important part of the lightsaber, And it is the part that directly involves in combat while attacking an opponent’s lightsaber blade so it is important to choose the right blade which is tough enough to withstand harsh lightsaber attacks. There are different blade types to choose from the length of the blade that customize as per your unique attacking type of pattern which makes your neopixel lightsaber unique. If you are looking for a blade for cosplay that shows the maximum brightness with a realistic star wars look then that blade might not be suitable for heavy dueling. There is meanly two types of blades- Also read: Trending Gadgets of The Year You Didn’t Know

3. Switch

 This switch is used to turn the lightsaber on and also to switch between different effects.

4. Emitter

An emitter is connected to the hilt and used to hold the blade by tightly clutching it. There are emitters with windows that give an attractive look by letting the light sparkle through in cut gaps. Emitter might have claws like the ones on neopixel lightsaber.

5. Coupler

Coupler is used to assemble the hilts of two lightsabers together to make a double-bladed lightsaber or a saber staff. Darth maul seen pretty good with one So be sure to add a coupler.

6. Sound

The lightsaber would be no fun if there is no sound. If you want to add sound effects within the lightsaber So you should add soundboard controls which will help add a sound effect. We can also add sound functions such as the blaster bolt deflect and the clashing sound when two lightsabers Attack.

7. Effects

There are many effects you can add to your custom neopixel lightsaber. there is some effect which is only possible with neopixel lightsaber such as scroll-on effect, the unstable lightsaber effect, and the rainbow color effect. Other special effects include the blaster bolt deflect effect, lightsaber flash-on clash effect, blade lock-up effect, and flicker effect. And we can also customize changes in the color of our lightsaber and in all of the custom lightsabers, you can get millions of colors in the Neopixel lightsaber. Apart from this, there are quality blades and Neopixel blades. The Neopixel blade forms the Neopixel lightsaber that has LEDs inside the blade rather than inside the hilt like a standard RGB lightsaber which allows the light saber to shine brighter and provide more crazy effects.

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