Jawed is the co-founder of YouTube and also the first person to upload a video on YouTube. He’s a software engineer, investor, and Internet entrepreneur.  So how did Jawed Karim build so much wealth from nothing? In this Jawed Karim net worth post, let’s find it out.

Who is Jawed Karim?

YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world, after Google. YouTube is the go-to video sharing platform for billions of users.  And… Jawed Karim is the co-founder of YouTube along with Steve Chen and Chad Hurley. He was born in Germany, to a Bangladeshi father and German mother. Jawed was also an early employee at PayPal and has a master’s degree in computer science from Stanford University. Jawed Karim Biography:

Jawed Karim Age: 42 years old Birth Date: 28 October 1979 Birth Place: Merseburg, Germany Nationality: American, Bangladeshi, German

Jawed Karim in Numbers:

Jawed has over 2.8 million subscribers on YouTube  Total YouTube views on his channel: 227 million Jawed Karim’s net worth is over $310 million as of 2023

So how did Jawed Karim co-found such an amazing video platform as YouTube? Here are TEN inspiring lessons to learn from his success.

Jawed Karim Net Worth: 10 Brilliant Lessons from YouTube’s Co-Founder

1. Be the first

As the old saying goes, “the early bird gets the worm.”  By being the first to take action, you open up opportunities for yourself and pave the way for others.  Being the first is important. It means that you are the trendsetter, the one who others will follow.  When you are the first, you have the opportunity to set the tone, to determine what is acceptable and what is not. You also have the responsibility to set a good example and to show others what is possible. Being the first is NOT easy, but it is always worth it.  That’s exactly what Jawed Karim did. He was the one who developed the YouTube concept and coded the BASIC version of YouTube which was launched in 2005.  Jawed was the FIRST person to upload a video on YouTube. The first-ever video uploaded on YouTube was titled “Me at the Zoo” by Jawed; Notice the views on the video? It generated over 226 million views and fetched 11 million likes so far. There will always be those who try to hold you back, but you must never give up.  Remember, being the first is about more than just being first. It’s about being the best that you can be. So don’t be afraid to take that leap of faith and be the first. You just might be surprised at what you’re capable of achieving.

2. Speak your mind

Don’t be afraid to share your opinions. ALWAYS speak your mind. On several occasions, Jawed criticized decisions made by YouTube. He used his ONLY published YouTube video as a weapon to share his opinions. He also criticized the decision of YouTube to remove the dislikes button on videos. And, he posted a detailed description of his opinion on removing the dislikes button on his video. Opinions are REALLY valuable. They help us see things from different perspectives and can lead to some pretty great conversations. So don’t be afraid to share yours. It might just surprise you how much others appreciate hearing what you have to say.

3. Keep a low profile

Just Imagine you are only 25 years old but have $64 million in your bank account. What would you do? Most people would pay off their debts and retire to an island. Some people might even show off by purchasing expensive cars, houses, etc. But Karim didn’t do that. He kept a low profile and launched a venture fund called Youniversity Ventures in 2008. Youniversity Ventures is now known as Y Ventures. Karim was only 27 years old when YouTube was acquired by Google in 2006 and he received $64 million worth of shares (those shares are worth more than $500 million today). Even when you search for Jawed Karim on YouTube or Google, you won’t find many details about him.  Karim must believe that keeping a low profile is the key to happiness in life.  Some people think that by staying out of the spotlight and avoiding attention, they will be able to live a more peaceful and contented life.  There are many reasons to keep a low profile in life and business. For one, it can help you avoid unwanted attention. It can also help you stay out of the spotlight, which can be beneficial if you’re trying to avoid public criticism. Additionally, keeping a low profile can help you maintain a more private lifestyle. 

4. Invest early

Jawed Karim, co-founder of YouTube is one of Airbnb’s first investors. He invested in the company back in 2009, when it was just a startup. Today, Airbnb is worth over $104 billion. Karim’s venture fund “Y Ventures” has also invested in Palantir, Reddit, and Eventbrite. If you’re thinking about investing in a startup, don’t wait too long.  The earlier you invest, the more potential upside there is. Jawed Karim’s early investment in Airbnb is a perfect example of this. Of course, there are also risks associated with investing in startups. But if you’re careful and do your research, investing EARLY in a startup or company can be a great way to earn high returns.

5. Be persistent

Karim’s story is also a reminder of the importance of persistence. When he first started working on YouTube, it was just a side project. But he continued to work on it and eventually turned it into a successful business. So if you want to create wealth like Jawed, be persistent and don’t give up. No matter what you do in life, there will always be obstacles and challenges. The key is to never give up and to keep pushing forward no matter what.  If you want to achieve something great, you NEED to put in the hard work. There will be times when you feel like giving up, but if you are persistent, you will eventually reach your goals.  

6. The power of teamwork

Karim’s success at YouTube also highlights the importance of teamwork. He and his co-founders were able to take a simple idea and turn it into a global phenomenon. This would not have been possible without the help of their team. There are several things the THREE YouTube co-founders did right which are listed below. The importance of a brilliant idea Karim’s work on YouTube demonstrates the importance of having a great idea. When he and his co-founders started YouTube, they had a vision for what the site could become. This vision allowed them to attract investors and grow the company quickly. The importance of user feedback Karim and his team also understood the importance of user feedback. They constantly took feedback from users and used it to improve YouTube. This helped YouTube become the successful platform it is today. What can we learn from the YouTube co-founders? Teamwork plays a key role in business. A study by Harvard Business School found that teams are 50% more likely to hit their targets if they’re working together. We often need others to achieve common goals. Working in a team can help to develop individual skills and improve communication abilities.  Make sure to build a good team if you want to build massive businesses like YouTube.

7. Learn and apply

While at Stanford, Jawed Karim worked on a number of research projects, including one that studied human-computer interaction. Karim’s work on human-computer interaction shows the value of research.  He was able to take his findings and apply them to the development of YouTube. This made the site more user-friendly and helped it grow in popularity. The more you learn, the more you can do; the more you can do, the more successful you will be.  So if you want to be successful, make sure that you are constantly learning and constantly implementing what you learn.  Yes, you won’t build a massive business overnight, but if you keep at it, eventually you will reach your goals. Even if you don’t achieve everything you set out to do, simply by implementing what you learn, you will be well on your way to success.  Your ultimate goal should always be to put your knowledge into practice. Also, try to find opportunities to use your skills in real-world situations if you want to grow.  More Related Posts:

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Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Jawed Karim, the co-founder of YouTube.

Final Thoughts on Jawed Karim Net Worth

Jawed Karim’s work on YouTube has had a HUGE impact on the way that people consume video content. 

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Karim has also been credited with helping to popularize the use of video-sharing as a means of communication. Karim’s story is an inspiring one, and it offers several important lessons for entrepreneurs and aspiring business leaders. There’s SO MUCH to learn from his success.  So what do you know about Jawed Karim? Do you have any more questions? Let us know in the comments.